
April 12, 2021

Orientate Images for Hugo Blog Posts with Mogrify

development hugo images

Paul Kelly

After posting the previous article I noticed that all of the images other than the header image in the post were rotated 90 degrees to the left. This was a bit strange as all my other posts with images had published correctly and the images also appeared to be the correct orientation when I viewed them in file explorer or any other image viewer. I was puzzled. However, seeing as it was only the post images and not the header image I soon deduced it was the the img shortcode I am using that had caused the problem.

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February 26, 2021

Creating a Development Environment for Jellyfin on Windows

Development Guides dotnet jellyfin

Paul Kelly

Download and install Visual Studio Community Edition When running the installer it will ask which components are required, the only one you have to choose for Jellyfin development is .NET Desktop Development: The install will be close to 6GB so may take a while. While it is installing you can install FFMpeg, this isn’t technically required to get Jellyfin to run whilst you develop, for example if you are only working on a metadata plugin you won’t need the server to transcode anything, but if you do need make sure items play then it is best to install FFMpeg.

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