
March 17, 2021

Netatmo Weather Station Install, Setup and First Thoughts

Guides weather netatmo first-impressions

Paul Kelly

As well as being an IT Geek I am also a bit of a weather geek too. It started when we were living in the Caribbean and lived through a decade of Hurricane Seasons. I spent many, many hours of my life studying forecasts, models and predictions. When you have lived through packing up the entirety of the downstairs of your house and moving it upstairs in case you get flooded as a Hurricane is heading your way then you start to take very close attention to what is happening with the weather.

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March 15, 2021

Scrubbing Personal Data From Git Repos

Guides git workflow

Paul Kelly

The problem I made a booboo. I was trying to do the right thing, honest. I will put it down to a bit of rustiness of using Git. I was trying to scrub my personal data from a fork of a repo that I was working on and put an example config file in place of my actual one, but ended up committing the real one to GitHub instead. Luckily, without me even having to do anything I received two emails, one from MailGun (it was my SMTP password for an account I was using for emailing tasks):

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March 11, 2021

Taskwarrior With Web Frontend and Daily Emails

Guides taskwarrior workflow self-host

Paul Kelly

For my tasks and workflow I use Taskwarrior, which is a command line task manager. It is simple to learn the basics, but very powerful once you delve into what it can do. I am not going to go into all of that in this post though, maybe another time. Whilst it is great for when I am sitting at my computer working, I end up not using it for all my other tasks and chores I have to do, as there is no easy way to enter tasks on a mobile device, you also don’t get reminders of tasks either.

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March 11, 2021

Wallabag Docker Install Permission Issues

Guides wallabag self-host

Paul Kelly

This post follows on from Part 1 of my issues getting Wallabag self-hosted using Docker. Previously I had problems getting the Wallabag container to talk to the database successfully, so check out the previous post if that is the problem you are having. Having made everything talk happily to one another I thought I was finished, but no. The following day I found that the wallabag docker image was not running, I couldn’t post any articles to it.

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March 10, 2021

Wallabag Docker With MariaDB Guide

Guides docker self-host wallabag mariadb

Paul Kelly

In this post I am going to go over the problems I had trying to get Wallabag running on Docker connected to a MariaDB instance. Why am I doing this? There are quite a few guides on the web that show how simple this was, but as you may have guessed, it wasn’t that simple for me. What is Wallabag Wallabag is an app that saves webpages for reading later. If you have ever used or heard of ReadItLater or Pocket, then you know the type of thing.

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